
Transitioning Period:

When changing out cat to a new food it is important to go through the transition steadily to help your cat adjust to their new food.

What we suggest:

We recommend doing a stage by stage process.

DAY 1 - 2: Serve 75% of your cats normal food and add 25% of Purraw with it.

DAY 3 - 4: Serve 50% off your cats normal food and add 50% off Purraw with it.

DAY 5 - 6: Serve 25% off your cats normal food and add 75% off Purraw with it.

DAY 7 onwards: YOU DID IT! Your kitty is now on a purrfectly natural diet.


If your kitty is not happy with the stage changes just persist and take the daily guideline slower - your get there.